non-profit | storytelling | educational
Gift Of Life Michigan

This series of videos were created for Gift Of Life Michigan, which is one of 58 organizations across the United States that serves as the bridge between organ donors and transplant recipients. I worked with Gift Of Life through Legacy Communications and Research on several videos to explain the important need for organ and tissue donation in multi-cultural communities. The campaign, titled “Let’s Talk”, focused on the LatinX, African American and Arab American communities throughout Metro Detroit. We created videos with organ donor families, transplant recipients, Gift Of Life employees, community members, medical professionals and religious leaders to communicate the important life-saving message of organ and tissue donation.

One of the core videos was an educational video about the organ donation process. Gift Of Life identified through focus groups that the process was not understood due to several myths. This video puts a face to those working behind the scenes - from the family service coordinators to the surgical team - to humanize the process. We also told stories of transplant recipients and their journey before and after receiving their gift of life. Organ and tissue donation is an incredibly emotional story to be part of and I felt honored to play a role in helping communicate these life-saving messages.

Educational video to explain the organ donation process from employees in the lab, call center and surgical center.
Video for Gift Of Life's multi-cultural campaign, "Let's Talk", featuring recipients, donor families, medical professoinals and community leaders.
Story about Aimee Cruz, a 3-time liver transplant recipient, and her journey over two decades.