documentary | education | arts & culture
Meadow Brook Hall and Detroit Institute of Arts

"A Masterpiece Revealed" is a 5-chapter documentary that tells the fascinating story of a 17th century painting re-discovered at Meadow Brook Hall and conserved by the Detroit Institute of Arts. Over the course of six months, I documented the journey of the painting through a behind-the-scenes look at the DIA's conservation labs. I was responsible for all storyboarding, filming, design and animation of the videos.

The documentary begins with a history of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo's "The Infant Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness" from its creation in Seville, Spain to its eventual home at Meadow Brook Hall in the 1920s. The re-discovery by DIA curator, and then director, Salvador Salort-Pons, ignited a partnership between Oakland University, Meadow Brook Hall and the DIA, allowing students to observe the scientific research and conservation. The painting was on display in the DIA's "European Medieval to Renaissance Art" gallery before returning to Meadow Brook Hall.