web design, user interface design
Oakland University

Over the course of a year, the web team at Oakland University redesigned and redeveloped several key landing pages throughout the university website. The redevelopment plan included the home page, academic programs, current students and future students, social media, campus culture, School of Medicine, major/career information tool, digital advertising landing pages and several others.

Each page was redesigned with a mobile-first approach, since over the course of two years we watched our mobile traffic increase to over 50% of overall traffic. Although each page has a different audience and content, all remain part of the global style the team designed, and within the brand guidelines developed in partnership with OU's branding agency.

Many of the pages were presented to management and leadership around campus. The home page, for example, was presented to the Deans of each school for design approval, and the career tool to the academic advising staff.

One of the major goals during each redevelopment process was consolidation. The university's website had at one point reached a 28,000+ page count, with content being either duplicated or scattered throughout many areas of the site. With the career tool for example, we combined content from 5 different sites spanning many pages into 1 tool, to make the major searching process easier for students.

Oakland University home page redesign
Oakland University home page and academics page redesign
Oakland University home page redesign
Career tool for students to research OU prorgrams
Career tool for students to research OU prorgrams
Landing page for the annual "Giving Challenge" where OU competes against UDM for donors.
Academics landing page for students to find a full list of OU programs and majors
Tool for freshmen to learn the steps of their first year of college
Icons for a tool for freshmen to learn the steps of their first year of college
Tool for freshmen to learn the steps of their first year of college